18.4.2022 sa v našej chovateľskej stanici sa narodili dve šteniatka - 2 psíkovia.
Predpokladaná veľkosť v dospelosti malý. Otcom nášho C vrhu je opäť malý psík MATISSE les Fleurs Mystiques, belgický import, žijúci u našej priateľky Anna Ostek , ch.stanica Jack Spark v Poľsku.
Callimero - ha psík, sivá farba s bielymi znakmi, rezervovaný
Cocohuay - coa psík, hnedá farba s bielymi znakmi, rezervovaný
18.4.2022 two puppies were born in our kennel - 2 small males.
Expected size in small. The father of our C litter is again a small dog MATISSE les Fleurs Mystiques, a Belgian import, living with our friend Anna Ostek, Jack Spark kennel in Poland.
Callimero - hairless male, grey color with white marking , reserved
Cocohuay - coated male, brown color with white marking, reserved
18.04.2022 two puppies were born in our kennel - 2 dogs.
Expected size in adulthood small. The father of our C litter is again a small dog MATISSE les Fleurs Mystiques, a Belgian import, living with our friend Anna Ostek, Jack Spark kennel in Poland.
Callimero - ha dog, reserved for Nel and Michaela N. CR
Cocohuay - coa dog, reserved for E + R, DE
The puppies are of show quality, the show track is not a strict condition for future owners, the care and love that puppies need is important. We are looking for only the best homes for our puppies, we also need contact with the future family so that we can enjoy how the puppies grow, if they participate in shows, we will be happy to support them and, if necessary, help and advise all your questions.
Preliminary collection is possible at the beginning of June 2022. Puppies leave our station erased, vaccinated, dewormed, chipped with petpass, pedigree, sales contract, introductory package for an easier start in a new home, contact and registration form to the club of small breeds of dogs and nonstop lifelong service.
Thank you in advance.